
More Ways to Give

There are many ways to support the ongoing preservation, restoration, and educational efforts of Coastal Georgia Historical Society. If you would like to make a donation, please see this link: Donate.

Matching Gifts

Would you like to increase the impact of your gift to the Society? Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage their employees, retirees, and board members to contribute to charitable organizations. If you are eligible for a matching gift program, complete your portion of the company provided form and send the required information to Sheila VanderWood at (912) 634-7096 or email [email protected].

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

You can acknowledge friends and family members’ lives, accomplishments, or milestones with a contribution named in their honor. Make a contribution here: Memorial/Honor Gift.

At both the Lighthouse Museum and the Home Front Museum, we have many opportunities to recognize tribute gifts including a brick, a tree, or even a room. These named gifts are a meaningful and philanthropic way to honor someone close to you with a strong connection to St. Simons Island. Your donation will have a lasting impact on our community. Bricks are displayed in our courtyard on the Lighthouse grounds. Proceeds from the purchase of your personalized brick will help fund ongoing restoration and preservation efforts, and educational programming. A receipt acknowledging your tax-deductible contribution will be provided when your order is processed. Bricks will be engraved and installed quarterly. Fill out an online brick form here: Brick Form.

Please note, if you have previously ordered a brick that has become weathered due to time and our harsh coastal environment, we are currently working to replace bricks as quickly as possible. If you are concerned that your brick has become difficult to see and read, please send your original message wording to Sheila VanderWood, [email protected].

To learn more about tribute gifts and naming opportunities, please contact Sheila VanderWood at (912) 634-7096.

Gift of Stock

Did you know that the Society accepts gifts of appreciated stock? Please contact Sheila VanderWood at [email protected] for account information and instructions for your brokerage firm to make an electronic transfer of stock certificates. Once you have requested the transfer, please contact her so that we can properly identify and acknowledge the gift.

Planned Giving

Planned giving is another way to ensure that Coastal Georgia has a champion, steward, and storyteller, now and in the future.  If you are interested in including the Historical Society in your estate planning, please contact Sheila VanderWood at (912) 634-7096.


Did you know that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the Coastal Georgia Historical Society if you shop through their AmazonSmile website? Smile.amazon.com offers the same products as Amazon.com and is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Society every time you shop, at no cost to you. Please consider adding Coastal Georgia Historical Society to your AmazonSmile account!